Wednesday 13. 12. 2017


“Apocolypto” pyrocumulous cloud in California a few days ago.

59 responses to “Wednesday 13. 12. 2017”

  1. fingsaint says :

    Sauna weather here today so dogfing and I will be walking in leafy shade.

  2. fingsaint says :

    Couple of little sedate walks for the sniffing aspect rather than romping exercise

    M’ofta ciao

  3. Sleepychow says :

    Today I have mostly been wearing reindeer antlers.

  4. Sleepychow says :

    In the + temperatures for the week ahead, which is great because it rained a LOT today so freezing temps would mean ice everychuffinwhere.

    Expected to reach the heady heights of 10 degrees next Wednesday.

    Out with the flip flops n bikinis.

  5. fiftyoneandabitmorenow says :

    Rained all day here too, tomorrow is the first day since last Friday we’ve not had weather warnings. Council didn’t collect the bins so we’ll all have full bins for x**s, I’m sure it’ll look lovely up here with bin overspill come boxing day ….

    I’ve one more day off so will go out and see if my new car battery stood the test ….

  6. cyanbloo says :

    Bloom in WordPress.😠

  7. cyanbloo says :

    Wp was just making it awkward to sign in on my mobile.
    But it’s ok now.😊

  8. emmachisset says :

    morning cyan 🙂

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